Getting back in the game of job hunting
Getting back in the game of job hunting
Power of the resume (CV)
Previously I had suggested on what to do after facing a layoff. Now let’s focus more on the process to apply for a job.
The first thing you would need to have in applying for a job is a resume, or also known as CV (Curriculum Vitae). A resume will tell your stories and your profiles to your future employers, or the people making decision to hire. In it, your education history, work experience, or other skills you may possess should be listed out the best way to attract potential employers who have hundreds of resumes to choose from.
Therefore, it’s very important to know different resume writing techniques. First of all, let me introduce to you the top three most popular resume writing styles as follows.
1. Chronological Resume
This resume style is widely used and preferred by most employers. It will let the employer knows what have you been doing in the past. This is the style for those who have some work experience. Employers like this because it helps them browse through your past work experience easily.
Caution: This is not the right resume for the applicants with little work experience, newly graduates, or some one who has not been working for a while.
2. Functional Resume
To emphasize on the applicants accomplishments, this style will list you up on the top section. The past working experience is summed up in a small section at the bottom.
This is a great resume for someone who had worked in a position similar to the applied one because it highlights your work skills. Newly graduates and applicants with little work experience are recommended to use this style.
Caution: Most employers think this type of resume does not give the complete work experience information.
3. Combination Resume
This is another great resume style that combines strong points of the first and second styles. The resume starts up with the applicants’ skills and accomplishments then follows with the fully disclosed work experience. This is quite good resume, because it helps emphasize your skills and accomplishments but also provides essential work experience information that most employees are interested in.
And that concludes my advice on the resume style for now. Next time I’ll share the tips on how to write an eye-catching resume that would surely attracts future employers.
Tag: Getting back in the game of job hunting , สมัครงาน, บริษัทจัดหางาน, Recruitment, Recruitment Agency