เกือบ 6 ปี ที่ผ่านมา -

Let’s enjoy working!


​Let’s enjoy working!

Don’t start off thinking it’s hard or boring

When you start off by thinking that the work is hard, boring, time consuming, or a pain, then you will find it hard to enjoy the work. It would be tough to do things with a prejudice mind. Just don’t take everything too seriously and let go of the things that you can.

Adjust your mind set

I want you to try adjusting your mind set on your job. Work is a part of you life but not all of it. Trust me! - You are really wasting time doing productive things like think of ways to improve your work if you spend it all thinking and complaining about boring job, nagging boss, or nasty coworkers.

Weight pros and cons

Before deciding if the job you’re doing is not the right job for you, ask yourself which part of the job makes you happy or unhappy and why? Dig out the reasons behind the likes and dislikes you feel and also the way to relief those dislikes. (it’s about your mindset too) If you still can’t find a single good aspect about your work, then it’s probably time to find a new one. (however, there is always one last good thing in even a very bad situation you face – patient!)

We are not done with the tips on working happily yet. I still have more tips to share next time. See you!

Tag: Let’s enjoy working! , สมัครงาน, บริษัทจัดหางานRecruitment, Recruitment Agency