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Labouring the point


​​Labouring the point

ข่าว | แมนพาวเวอร์กรุ๊ป ประเทศไทย

บริษัท แมนพาวเวอร์กรุ๊ป ผู้นำระดับโลกด้านการจัดหาบุคลากรและที่ปรึกษาด้านแรงงาน นำเสนอบริการสิ่งต่างๆ ซึ่งช่วยให้ลูกค้าได้รับความสำเร็จในโลกของการทำงานที่มีการเปลี่ยนแปลงอยู่เสมอ ปัจจุบันแมนพาวเวอร์กรุ๊ปมีจำนวน 80 ประเทศทั่วโลก

New high school and university graduates may have a tough time in the labour market next year because of hiring delays for new workers during the economic slowdown, says the Employers' Confederation of Thai Trade and Industry (Econ Thai).

Logistics, retail, export and production sectors are all trending towards delaying investment in expansion.

Tanit Sorat, vice-chairman of Econ Thai, said the global and domestic economies have been affected by the trade war between China and the US and it is leading to a worldwide trade and investment slowdown."Those sectors are delaying hiring new workers as the global economy worsens and businesses wait to upgrade machinery to automated systems that will replace some of their staff," he said.

SLOW TIMES AHEADThe Bank of Thailand slashed its economic growth forecast for this year from 3.3% to 2.8%. Next year's growth forecast was also trimmed to 3.3%, down from 3.7% three months ago.

Econ Thai's survey for 2019 projects employment figures for new graduates in 2020 to increase by 9.27% year-on-year to 524,893 workers.

"Of the total number of workers, 412,693 have a bachelor's degree, or 60.8%, and 103,200 have vocational training, or 14.3%," said Mr Tanit."Other graduate employees consist of those with a junior high school education, at 14.2%, and high school graduates at 5.43%."

Some 55.3% of new graduates want to work in Bangkok.

Econ Thai expects the labour pool in the industry sector over the next two years (2019-20) will decrease by 5% because of automation and robotics replacing workers, while the financial sector expects to shrink its workforce by 2% from the same factors.

The digital and IT sector expects to grow 11% thanks to demand for a workforce to serve the burgeoning digital era.

"The labour market in Thailand needs more high-skilled labour with the efficiency needed to serve the innovation industry," he said.

WHERE THAIS WORKSome 38.1 million people are employed in Thailand with an unemployment rate of only 1%. The country has some 737,000 businesses, mostly small and medium-sized enterprises.

Thailand's labour pool is divided up with 27.3% from the agricultural sector, 17.2% from retail and wholesale, 16.9% from in industry, 8.08% from tourism, 6.48% from construction, 3.66% from logistics and the remainder others.

Mr Tanit said the tourism sector is the main engine driving economic growth as the country sees a slowdown in exports and potential breakdown of industries such as rubber, electronics and home appliances because of disruptions in China's trade value chain.

Wanchai Priboonbaramee, senior business operations director of the US recruitment agency Manpower Group, said Thailand expects the trade war and Brexit debacle to remain the main factors affecting the overall global economy and in turn Thailand's economy.

"Of course, both factor are major points," he said.

"If the economy and trade slow down, then business also slows growth and delays hiring of workers."

Manpower Group expects the global economy in 2020 will be similar to this year.

Mr Wanchai said disruptive innovation and technology may cause some companies to slow hiring as they invest and upgrade robotics and automated systems.

"It will solve labour shortages in the domestic market while replacing part of the workforce," he said.

However, Thailand's labour market needs skilled and high-skilled workers to serve the growing digital economy as part of the government's Thailand 4.0 initiative.

The government has promoted new targeted industries related to technology and increased efficiency to upgrade competitiveness over the long term.

The 12 targeted S-curve industries are next-generation cars; smart electronics; affluent, medical and wellness tourism; agriculture and biotechnology; food; robotics for industry; logistics and aviation; biofuels and biochemical; digital; medical services; defence; and education.

HIGH SKILLS WANTEDMr Wanchai said Thailand's labour market is transforming to higher skill levels to serve the new targeted industries, and he believes in the next 2-3 years this will mean more workers who can operate robotics and automation technology.

"Labour should not be concerned about human employees being displaced by robots because companies still need humans with high-level skills to control the robotics and automation systems," he said.

"We should prepare ourselves and train workers in new languages and technology."

Thailand's labour market will need a workforce to serve the digital industry, logistics, e-commerce and the robotics industry.

"The 12 targeted industries needs more experts with digital skills because they can apply to every targeted industry," said Mr Wanchai.

He said cooperation between companies, the government and the education sector can help develop the workforce's efficiency to compete in the future.

"Manpower will launch a new programme and courses for customers and companies this year that want to improve workforce skills," said Mr Wanchai.

Thailand's unemployment rate is lower than neighbouring countries in Asean and the US, where the unemployment sometimes exceeds 10%.

DEMAND CRUNCHAccording to the Manpower Group Thailand's survey of 1,500 businesses on labour demand in 2019, demand can be classified into 10 groups. They are sales and marketing, making up 22.7% of demand; accounting and finance 12.2%; engineering and manufacturing 8.62%; IT 8.11%; administration 7.15%; customer service 6.39%; short-term jobs 6.28%; executive positions 5.63%; human resources management 5.02%; and the remainder logistics.

Major entrepreneurs account for 35% of Manpower Group's customers.

The government expects demand for labour in the Eastern Economic Corridor will reach 475,647 employees by 2023.

Of this estimate, some 253,114 jobs will require a vocational degree, 213,943 jobs will require a bachelor's degree and 8,617 jobs will need a master's degree or higher.

ที่มา : Bangkok Post


เกี่ยวกับแมนพาวเวอร์กรุ๊ป ประเทศไทย

แมนพาวเวอร์กรุ๊ป ผู้นำระดับโลกในการจัดหาแรงงานเชิงนวัตกรรม นำเสนอบริการด้านต่างๆ แก่ผู้ประกอบการในส่วนของกระบวนการจ้างงานและการทำธุรกิจครบวงจร รวมทั้งการสรรหาว่าจ้างพนักงานประจำ พนักงานชั่วคราว และพนักงานแบบมีสัญญาจ้าง, การประเมินผลและการคัดเลือกพนักงาน, การฝึกอบรม, การช่วยหางานใหม่ (Outplacement), การรับเหมาจ้างงาน(Outsourcing) และการให้คำปรึกษา แมนพาวเวอร์ช่วยให้บริษัทสามารถตอบสนองความต้องการของผู้ประกอบการกว่า 400,000 รายต่อปี ซึ่งประกอบด้วยบริษัทขนาดย่อมและขนาดกลางในทุกประเภทธุรกิจ รวมทั้งบริษัทระหว่างประเทศรายใหญ่ที่สุด


แมนพาวเวอร์กรุ๊ป ประเทศไทย

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อีเมล : [email protected]


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